Take Time to Connect

take time to connect with nature

There is something magical about nature. When you take a walk around Gods precious land and just glide past the trees and the sounds of the birds chirping, there is a sense of peace that overcomes you. You have the ability to think clearly and peacefully. It’s relaxing and so soothing. But why is that?

When I think of Mother Nature, I think of a bond, a connection that is more than just the meet and greet of an eye. It is unseen and the blessing is that no matter who you are or no matter where you are from we all connect with Mother Nature in the same way. We are bonded some kind of way which is unseen but with a deepness in our soul. Each connection is difference but yet each connection is so precious.

As you get older you become to have more and more of an appreciation for the sounds, the greenery, the colorful trees, the sun, the sky, the birds , the grass, the sticks, the flowers, the water, the dirt, the leaves. Sometimes I sit in peace alone, breathing in the fresh air, sipping on a small cup of coffee, hoping the mosquitoes aren’t out to play.

I remember as a young child, when we lived up north, I could lay on the grass in a certain season and not be disturbed by a single ant. I would glare at the sky and talk about the shapes of the clouds and feel such an overwhelming amount of peace. When we moved to Florida, the beach became that place for me and the front porch of my home. I try to remember to sit on the front porch at least weekly and sip my tea or coffee so that I can really take in that moment to connect with the earth and soothe my soul for just a moment.

Life can be so hectic sometime, and Lord knows I feel that each of us are busier than ever, including our youth, but its important to take time to connect with the soothing force of nature. Feel up your spirit, enjoy a relaxing moment, hear the sounds and simply just breathe.

If you love nature as much as I do, how do you take time to disconnect from the world and connect with the love and embrace of nature?


Ri Wyatt

The Daily Column


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